Setting up your own server in Conan Exiles

There are a many benefits to setting up a private server yourself in Conan Exiles. When you run your own server you can choose any settings you want for it. You can set the rate of progression, rules for PvP, crafting, avatars, gathering and much more.

You can also set a password for your server, so only those friends you share the password with can play on it.

To setup your own private server you need an extra computer and go through a few quite simple steps:

Dedicated server system requirements

  Small Medium Large
Number of Players 10-player 35-player 70-player
Operating System Win 7/8.1/10 64 bit Win 7/8.1/10 64 bit Win 7/8.1/10 64 bit
CPU Intel Core2Duo 6850 Intel Core i5 2400 Intel Core i7 6700
CPU(GHz) 3.0 GHz 3.1/3.4 GHz (Turbo) 3.4/4.0 GHz (Turbo)
System RAM 8GB 8GB 12GB
Diskspace 35GB 35GB 35GB


How to setup a server

  1. Get SteamCMD​
  2. Extract the contents of the to some folder of your choosing.
  3. Open a terminal window on the folder you chose.
  4. Create a different folder to install the server into. (for example C:\Exiles)
  5. To get the server, run this command:
    steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:\Exiles +app_update 443030 +quit
    (On the first run, and ocasionally, SteamCMD will patch itself before running)
  6. Running the server:
    Please make sure you do not have a steam client running. If you do, you will see some error message boxes regarding steam DLLs (which you can ignore).
    From C:\Exiles, run: exeBy default it will listen on UDP ports 27015 and 7777. You might need to add an exception in your firewall to get the server to show up in the Steam server browser.

You can then use the following command line parameters, for example:
ConanSandboxServer.exe -log -MaxPlayers=16

Some useful server parameters:​

Command Description
MaxPlayers= 1-70 players
MULTIHOME= aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd (select network interface by ip)
QueryPort= 27015 (steam queryport)


Settings set in ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\Engine.ini​
some settings need to be specified in the Engine.ini file listed above, such as:


Settings set in ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\Game.ini
Others can be set in the Game.ini file, as such


Another useful setting is AdminPassword. Set the AdminPassword here: ConanSandbox\Saved\Config\WindowsServer\ServerSettings.ini

By setting this you can make yourself an Admin in game by going to Server Settings in the menu, clicking on Make Me Admin and entering the password. When you are an admin in the game you can choose your server settings there instead of having to do it in the ini-files.

Currently if you try to start the dedicated server build from the steam client, you will get some error messages about steam DLLs. This is not the recommended way to start your server, but it should still work if you skip past the error messages.

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